Katerina has taken on the challenge of translating poems from Bulgarian and publishing 365 of them on her blog during 2015! This is post number 33!
World War
On Monday I bring Death in my purse.
On my desk awaits the next consecutive battle.
These military years are wet concrete –
I’ll either sink, or make an impression
and each button of the jacket turns,
but the voice does not become louder.
Silence – a gray army
streams downwards
and has no intention of conquering
these fields and weeks,
but only level them to the ground.
I take stones out of my purse.
I rummage through.
Author: Yana Punkina
Translated from the Bulgarian by Katerina Stoykova-Klemer
Yana Punkina works at Bulgarian National Radio. She is the author of two books of poetry: Pause (2011) and Parts of the Body (2013).